白俄罗斯,乌克兰,阿塞拜疆铁路 0+
2. 通过阿拉山口/多斯提克运往哈萨克斯坦,乌兹别克斯坦,土库曼斯坦,吉尔吉斯坦,塔吉克斯坦中亚五国和阿富汗的集装箱和整车,及其相反方向;
3. 通过二连/扎蒙乌德运往蒙古的集装箱和整车,及其相反方向;
4. 通过丹东/新义洲运往北朝鲜的集装箱和整车;
5. 通过俄罗斯远东港口东方港(VOSTOCHNY)运往俄罗斯,白俄罗斯,乌克兰,阿塞拜疆,
6. 通过绥芬河/格罗杰阔沃运往俄罗斯远东地区的集装箱和整车,及其相反方向。
7. 通过凭祥/同登运往越南的集装箱和整车,及其相反方向。WCA FAMILY OF LOGISTICS NETWORKS,the worlds's most powerful grouping of independent freight forwarders, being the member of IGIN in May 2010.
BUSHJET, with mainland headquarter located in Shenzhen, has set up branches in Guangzhou, Shanghai,Yichang and etc. Boasting of over 200 overseas cooperative agencies, its business has been expanded to important ports of the world. Thanks to its high-caliber professional teams and mature business network, it is now capable of providing multi-field and all-round professional international logistics service, including international freight forwarding business (cargo canvassing, vessel chartering, booking space, warehousing, transiting, container LCL, declaration, inspection, settlement, consulting), international shipping agency service, international shipping management service, ship chartering, international sea freight market information consulting service and etc. Currently, we are mainly engaged in the Airfreight,FCL and bulk LCL service from mainland China to the base ports, non-base ports and inner cities across the world. Under our service lines, containers and bulk cargoes are shipped from major domestic ports to the counterparts of Japan, Korea, Taiwan, South Asia, India, Pakistan, Red Sea, Australia, New Zealand, Mediterranean Sea, North America, South America and Africa.
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